thoughts on art creation and emptiness

Must cleanse the body, empty the cluttered mind.  Must make room.  This is the secret of all see-ers...they made room.  I know it now.  If you are not seeing, really seeing… than what are you creating of value for all of us?     It is as factual as any scientific proof.  Do you want to receive this ‘thing’ which is supposedly given without measure?    Do you want to create something which is so ‘true’ that it can only be attributed to the divine breath working through you?  We must make room.

I’ve invented a million ways to bend this law.  I try to be a fun-loving citizen of America and a locust eating prophet at the same time and it’s total joke.  These things are not compatible.  Every time I seek a synthesis of ‘the good life’ and ‘Spirit-life’ I am left with nothing at all.

The is a law which is easily tested in the world of art creation.   

So many times I will come back to this bitter truth: Spiritual desire alone… (whether it be for creating art, or just living)… is not enough.  Something in my daily rhythm  has to go.  Something has to give.  I cannot eat and drink all that the world lays on my table and then expect fusion between my heart and the Spirit. 

Jesus told some to leave their money.  He told some to leave their family.  Told some to leave their job.  He spoke of certain things which can only happen through prayer and fasting.  Try this… ‘Jesus, what are you calling me to leave behind?’

To my artist friends: We are all on this journey together.  It’s full of stops and starts.  Failures.  Resets.  God merciful.  He WILL fill you when you come to Him empty.  Expect it.  


Young Oceans